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His body was found at the foot of a seaside cliff in a Sydney suburb - a place locally known as a meeting point for gay men - on Dec. Scott Johnson, then a 27-year-old doctoral student, was studying at Australian National University, where he had moved to be with his partner. White must now serve at least eight years and three months in prison before he’s eligible for parole, per case records. White, who had once pleaded not guilty in the decades-old killing and faced a life sentence, reversed his plea during a surprise court admission in January. Scott White, 51, was sentenced to 12 years and seven months behind bars by a New South Wales Supreme Court judge on Tuesday, according to court records obtained by.

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An Australian man has been sentenced to more than a decade in prison for the 1988 killing of a gay American mathmetician, whose death was wrongly ruled a suicide for years.

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